'Train like a Gem' Weekly with Joseph Dineen!
Work with Joseph and the opportunity for more in depth training that will fuel your creativity and progress in dance! This specific class is designed to supplement each dancer's training by offering a different exposure from their normal day to day dance classes. This training will complement the work from the weekly classes each dancer takes.
The #JosephGems philosophy for these classes is:
exposure leads to interest,
interest leads to habit,
habit invites strengths,
strengths build comfort,
comfort creates confidence and
confidence leads to opportunity.
Each month Joseph will focus on a set of different ideas & concepts. The information and training of each class is universal, with each class aimed to help with individual needs as well as group training.
Weekly Sunday Class Offerings:
9:00 am - 10:30 am - #Josephs Gems Training Class
This 1 hour 30 minute class will be offered
weekly on Sunday mornings.
Each class will run 1 hour and 30 minutes:
$28 / per class
Please pay via our Emerald City Dance Complex Venmo and use #JosephsGems as the subject.
Payment via Venmo will reserve your spot.
We will also have our Venmo info available at the studio if you decide to come last minute, you can pay when you arrive.